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"I'm new to using oils and supplements.
Now what?"

I'll never forget the first time I signed up for a juice cleanse.  We were at a retreat-style event on a beautiful island of in Fiji.  At the time, I thought I was already healthy - I had 8% body fat, had completed 10 Ironman Triathlons, ran marathons.  Strong and energized were part of my identity.  Yet as I stood in line, signing in for this retreat, I found myself getting a bit... nervous?  I had paid money and flew all that way for this experience - where was this nervousness coming from?  A part of my brain was resisting...  What was a juice cleanse anyway?  Did I really need this?  Is this gonna have me running to the bathroom every five minutes?  Cleanses are for those weird, health nuts - I'm not one of those!  Looking back now, I can only shrug and smile.  That's a totally normal response to approaching something new - especially when it has to do with your own body and comfort-zones.

Well, I tried the juice cleanse anyway.  I am I to this day am SO thankful I did!  My life was forever changed.  Basically, we took in no solid food, drank loads of water, had several fresh squeezed/pressed juices and a regimen of quality Omega-3's & probiotics ever day.  That was it... for five full days.  No cheating allowed!  The first couple days I had some hunger cramps.  On day three, I felt really foggy. My brain seemed slow, I felt achey, and noticed I was getting a little irritable - totally not me.  


Then I woke up on the fourth day...

The best way I can describe it, ironically: It's like one of those over-produced commercials for some new drug with people skipping slow motion in a field.  I felt clear, fresh, and energized in a way I hadn't couldn't even remember.  I felt powerful, happier, it was just...brighter.  From that moment, I decided THIS was the real me.  And I would do anything to make sure this version of my body had as much support and opportunity to thrive as possible.

So natural wellness is kinda like that.  


There are so many incredible ways to consistently experience that level of vibrancy and vitality!  For years I've been passing on this knowledge and wisdom to my patients and other doctors in a variety of ways.  But it's seemed like I just couldn't touch enough lives, or reach enough people - until I found dōTERRA.  I've been experiencing the benefits of their products for years but never considered working for anther company.  After all, I was already earning a respectable living helping as an ER doctor.  But I was hungry to expand the mission.  So I created this place called Essential Vitality, where I get to share with you much of the wisdom that's been passed on to me.  Spreading empowerment through wellness has been my life's mission, so it's only natural that I've chosen to partner with this incredible company and culture called dōTERRA.

I hand selected these videos as a super quick introduction to essential oil and supplements.  My invitation for you is NOT to become an overnight expert in these products, the science behind them, or their many uses and applications. Rather, I'm offering you a few distinctions I wish I had years ago that would have broken my resistance and opened my mind to the power of these natural products.  


If you've never heard of an essential oil, you may be wondering what in the world an essential oil is and where it comes from? This short video is a good place to start. 


Check out this quick walk-through of how oils are actually made from plant material.  Notice at the end, the precious lavender oil is just the tiny amount of oil at the top of the collector!


Nutrition is our fuel.  Even when eating a pretty healthy diet, the way food today is mass produced leaves holes in delivering the essential nutrients our bodies and brains need to perform at our best.  If you follow the typical standard American diet (SAD), the need to fill nutritional deficiencies can be far greater.

If you're a science nerd like me who needs to do more research and decide things for yourself, then Dr. Anderson below offers a great process she (and I) used to investigate the science and evidence.  

It's a bit longer but super helpful.


I'm a physician and skeptical by nature.  For years I waived off essential oils as nothing more than the placebo effect.  Yet, after finally giving them a try, I quickly knew there was much more going on here.  To my surprise, the science is robust.  Dr. Jodee Anderson explains her process of researching the science behind various dōTERRA essential oils and blends.


Send me a message, or we could even set up a conversation...which ever is easiest for you. I'm always happy to help! 

While most people seek out a remedy to alleviate or fix a problem, high performers and athletes are always looking for an edge to improve their energy and vitality.  Click below to continue learning about the power of clean energy from natural wellness.

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